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Our Board of Trustees would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of the following organizations and foundations:

The Grimshaw-Gudewicz Charitable Foundation of Fall River, Massachusetts,

The Keith M. Sullivan Foundation. of Greenfield, New Hampshire

The Gilbert Verney Foundation of Bennington, New Hampshire

 Mondnock United Way.

The Moandnock Daycare Fund ("Granny Fund")

The Waterhouse Restaurant, Depot Square, Peterborough, NH

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

Peterborough Lions Club

A. W. Peters, Peterborough, NH

Belletete's, Inc., Peterborough and Jaffrey, NH

Keough Foundation

Bean Family Foundation

Jaffrey Women's Club

Serendipity Shop, All Saints Episcopal Church, Peterborough, NH

United Church of Jaffrey

The Woodbound Inn, Rindge, NH

We would also like to thank Savron Graphics for many years of support and help.

Thank you for helping us continue to fulfill our msission.